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All you Need to Know about Cut and Looped Baling Wire

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There are many different types of wire in the world. Some of them are quirky, like the wired ropes used at the circus. Some are practical, like baling wire used to stack hay on the farm.  Some types of wire are wildly mundane, like the staples used to keep papers together. Wire is as diverse as its uses.

It may seem as though wire is wire, and that is all there is to it, but there are many different types of wire. Even wire that is used for similar or overlapping purposes is made, or cut, differently. Take baling wire, for instance. There is no such thing as standard baling wire. There are many different forms, or cuts, for use in different baling machines. There is even a cut and looped variety, which is used for manual baling.  

Within this segment of the industry, there are still two principal types of wire – galvanised wire and black annealed wire – and they are largely used for baling different types of bundles. They are created using different methods.

Black annealed wire is made from carbon steel that has been stretched, or drawn until it reaches the diameter required for a specific task. It is then annealed, which is a process of heating metal until the properties lost during drawing have returned to the metal. In many cases, this refers to the ductility of metal, though there are other annealing purposes. It is called black as a simple reference to the colour that burned wire becomes.  

Annealed wire is typically stored as coils, or as spools until required for the purposes it has been cut for. Strangely, different industries require different strengths and lengths, even if they require the same wire. Wire, therefore, is usually cut and made to measure – only after it has been ordered for a specific purpose.  

Black Annealed Wire – Different Types for Different Industries

In addition to the cut and looped wire, discussed below, there are several principal types of black annealed wire. Any industry could make use of any of these types, though predominantly, certain industries report more use of one type of wire or another.  

  • Rewound Coils: These are typically used with automatic baling machines.  Rewound coils are made to customer measurements, and sold in coils that are shrink-wrapped for easy distribution, and storage in the factories that use them.
  • Formers: Wire sold in longer lengths are typically referred to as formers. Tensile strengths vary between the industries that use this form of wire. Typically, however, formers are used in the waste management and incineration industries where high volumes of waste moves from end use to new use.
  • Catchweight Coils: Black annealed wire manufactured and sold in this form is bound typically for steel stockholders and related industries. This form is, therefore, known for its strength and resilience, as well as its flexibility.
  • Cut Bars: This type of wire is used in the galvanising industry. Its purpose is to hold other wire or metal in place as it is dipped into a molten bath of zinc while not interfering in the galvanising process itself. Exact specifications are, therefore, required, and expected, for any wire manufacturer.


Black Annealed Wire – Cut and Looped

Cut and looped wire differs from most of the baling wire produced on the market today. This form is made for manual tying of waste or other items together, and, therefore, it is not created for use within a baling machine. As can be surmised from its name, this type of wire is created with a loop on at least one end of the wire to facilitate manual tying. Although this type of wire is not destined for a machine, it must still adhere to the strict specifications of the client as it is most often used in the highly regulated waste management industry.

Often, cut and looped wire is used for manual baling of items destined for recycling centres.  Certain sorting facilities may rely on this form of black annealed wire as their primary baling method, especially for pre-compacted plastics that are not s popular as others on the market. It can also be used within smaller manufacturing plants that create products to order.  This is especially viable within the construction industries.

With its specialised purposes, cut and looped wire often moves from factory to end user, or vice versa, carrying many different types of products. It must be sold, therefore, according to strict customer specifications. Wire manufacturers must be able to produce cut and looped wire to almost any diameter, at almost any length, and certainly, with specific attention to the tensile strength required by the client. After all, some cut and looped wires are needed to move old polystyrene piles while others may be used to transport ceiling boards, or perhaps manually secure crates filled with priceless valuables for transport.

Cut and looped wire is typically sold in individually wrapped bundles. These are often as big, or as small, as clients require, though the minimum standard order weight typically begins as 10 kilogram bundles. As expected, this type of wire is known for its extreme pliability, so although it may be sold as cut and looped wire, it can also be sold as straight bars for those clients who require this form. Should your business require something specific, whether it is a variation in flexibility or strength, these should be discussed directly with the wire manufacturer, rather than the distributor if these processes are handled by two different companies.  

Based on its inherent properties of cut lengths, cut and looped wire is not typically what comes to mind when most people think about baling wire. However, its place within a number of specialised industries and processes cannot be discounted. Without it, safe transport for many waste (or even priceless) objects would be problematic.

If your company works within one of these specialised industries, it is essential to form lasting partnerships with leading wire manufacturers. As developments occur within your business, it will be crucial to know that your suppliers can grow and adapt along with you and your business.

Visit our website for more information about our baling wire products or call us today on 01226 766775 to discuss your needs!

Posted in Black Annealed Wire

Tagged in Black annealed wire Cut and Looped Wire


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